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Note: The MakerDAO sheet is our largest demo and it might take a minute or so to load the latest data.

Web3 Sheets Demo: MakerDAO

Example Explanation

Each tab is example of collateral type supported by the protocol with an acompanying graph of it's utilization over time. The Web3 Sheets functions utilized in this sheet include:


  • =CALLINT(path, target address, function, args)

  • COPS(target, block/latest, network)

On the PSM Info sheet, the A column contains the various points in time to make the call. The B column is the USDC balance in the PSM at the requested block. The C column is the USDP balance in the PSM at the requested block. Finally, the D column is the GUSD balance in the PSM at the requested block.

  • B5 =CALLINT("",COPS($B$3,A5),"balanceOf(address)",$B$2)*10^-6 - returns the USDC balance at the reference block number.