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How To Query For An Address

If you're starting with Web3 Sheets, you might want to call an address. This tutorial assumes you already have Web3 Sheets installed.

Web3 Sheets Demo: Calling Addresses


  1. You need the contract address you're calling.

Basic Example

The structure of the query is as follows:

=CALLADDRESS(path, target address, function signature, optional arguments)

For example, let's say you want to look up an InstaDapp account address on Ethereum.

=CALLADDRESS("","0x4c8a1BEb8a87765788946D6B19C6C6355194AbEb","accountAddr(uint64)", 1)

It will return 0x4dd58550eb15190a5b3dfae28bb14eec181fc267.

Multichain Call Address

To make a multichain call simply add the desired network. For example, let's say you want to look up an InstaDapp account address on Optimism.


It will return 0xf1229410497686300cca7bf6cca3ba582cf872f7.


Switch out "latest" with a specific block number to make a historical call.